Soft skills training, leadership training and business skills development

Life is too short for ordinary soft skills training…

Boardroom Couch focuses on soft skills training and facilitation of skills development. We use proven soft skills training courses, techniques and methods that deliver the most effective results. Our team loves to travel and offers training in all major areas in South Africa and abroad.

Have a look at what awesomeness we can offer you today!

Boardroom Couch believes in unique customised training sessions providing you with a Training Menu to pick and choose your topics according to your company or employee’s needs. Just as if you were out at a restaurant picking your favourite meal!

The choice is yours! You develop the training manual according to your needs, with your company branding and an exclusive programme name.

Our training facilitators provide delegates in each session a pre –assessment and after we have worked our magic-a post – assessment will be given to track progress.

It is essential for further support for each delegate; we will encourage them to join our Facebook Group or download our Training App. The app provides cont. tips and tools for success as well as an opportunity for delegates to network with one another and collaborate on key skills issues.

So there you have it!

You hire Character! We train skill!

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Fun programmes that unify your team

Our team provides fun interactive Teambuilding sessions that includes essential debriefing sessions. Our teambuilding sessions accommodates all diversities. We like to customise each teambuilding session according to your specific needs and wants, check out a few of the interesting programmes we offer.

Building and Energizing Teams for innovation

This workshop looks at the fundamental behaviours, skills and specific attitudes necessary for individuals to function effectively in a team environment, as well as how to foster effective teamwork.

As a course participant you will receive a workbook, and a NBI Thinking Profile to determine your role and the role of others in teams. The NBI® General Adult instrument offers insight into the way you prefer to think, and increases your awareness of and sensitivity to, the thinking preferences of others. This will assist you in gaining a better understanding of why team members behave in certain ways, and how to make use of the diverse thinking styles and perspectives of each member for improved teamwork and performance.

You will be provided with tips for managing the team’s collective brainpower and harnessing the strengths of each member.

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Kopano Wholebrain Teams

“Kopano” is the North Sotho word for “together” or “togetherness”. This teambuilding programme is aimed at creating a “Mzansi” version of team togetherness. The focus is on helping team members understand their thinking preferences which has an impact on how they work together with others, how they communicate, how they solve problems, how they lead, etc. The team is then taken through a process where the focus is on building a whole-brain team, using the strengths of the team to achieve their shared vision and goals.

This programme is unlike no other – diverse, unique, fun, and of course has the zest of creativity and innovation!

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Its time to inspire

Motivating employees can lead to increased productivity and allow an organization to achieve higher levels of output.

Motivation is generally what energizes, maintains, and controls behaviour. Salary is often enough motivation to keep employees working for an organization, but it’s not always enough to push them to fulfill their full potential.

Motivated employees will retain a high level of innovation while producing higher-quality work at a higher level of efficiency.

Our speaking engagements are often time varied depending on the topic choice (30min-90min) More information on speaking engagements is available at

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See below for a just a few of many topics we are inspired on and love to share with others through speaking engagements.


5 advantages of taking online courses

1. Promotes Lifelong Learning

Online courses encourage continuous education, allowing you to learn new skills and improve existing ones throughout your life.

2. Convenience

The biggest advantage is accessibility. You can access the course 24/7, so the only excuse for missing a session is not being online!

3. Flexibility

Online courses offer flexibility—you can study from the comfort of your home, and yes, you can even wear your pyjamas!

4. Cost-Effective

Online courses are generally more affordable than traditional in-person training, providing financial benefits.

5. Builds Self-Discipline

Online learning teaches self-discipline. Ultimately, your success in these courses depends on your own commitment and motivation.

Check out our following online courses in partnership with


Your Learnership Training Experts & Partner

Boardroom Couch is in partnerships with Advanced Assessments which is a Level 1 BBBEE contributor that thrives on adding value to the lives of our Learners and in turn our clients.The focus is on empowering South Africa’s unemployed youth as well as full time employees who are motivated to further their education and obtain a formal qualification.

National Certificate – Certificate Hygiene & Cleaning Services 2 57937
National Certificate – Contact Centre & Support Services 2 71490
National Certificate – Business Administration Services 2 23833
National Certificate – Business Administration Services 3 67465
National Certificate – Business Administration Services 4 61595
National Certificate – Generic Management Services 3 67465
National Certificate – Production Technology MerSeta 2 58781
General Education & Training Certificate – Transport TETAs 3 59300
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Get ready to challenge your mentoring paradigm!

Throughout history mentors have been political advisors, strategic thinkers, academics, thriving business personalities, outstanding educators, religious leaders, sporting icons and loving parents. They have all performed this multi-faceted role informally, simply because of their passion and belief in those in whom they have invested their time.

But the challenge of mentoring is now greater than ever before. Those that we mentor are facing greater challenges in a volatile, uncertain and complex world. The pace of learning is forever accelerating with massive risks and opportunities. This means that modern mentoring requires more than an ad hoc effort where mentors and mentees get together for a cup of coffee. These informal or accidental relationships may be genuine but often lack measures that will assess the value and progress of the mentoring journey.

But where do you start? What do you or should you talk about? How do you add value as a mentor?

All these questions are valid especially now that mentoring is more on the map than ever.

Old mentoring paradigm

Crucial mentoring conversations

So here is your challenge!

Be an intentional mentor and have insightful and reflective conversations on topics that are crucial to your mentee’s personal and professional development. It is clear that mentoring is “more colourful” and offers greater value when a mentor and mentee pursue these deeper, more honest conversations.









Confidential business skills development solutions

Mentoring might be a role that you as a manager are expected to fulfil, or possibly, you have volunteered because you recognise the importance of giving back or even leaving a legacy. Nevertheless, however you are involved in this role, the advice is the same – be committed, make time and do it intentionally. Mentoring is a joy and a massive privilege.

Parents, teachers and leaders from any professional or educational setting or career or industry now have the tools to successfully navigate mentoring relationships. Niel Steinmann’s latest book and programme on mentoring is rich with advice and explores the various conversations crucial for successful mentoring relationships. You will be equipped to hold deeper more honest conversations that create new levels of self-awareness and opportunities for those that you mentor to transform situations and relationships around them. It gives the mentor practical tools to facilitate this awareness and learning in ways that enrich, challenge, inspire and enable mentees to learn about themselves and their world.

Contact us for more information on how to embark on this rich rewarding journey of giving back and even leaving a legacy for your business.

Our success in life is dictated by the quality of relationships we can build and maintain.

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